Many Fish Die at Aquarium in Texas

Many Fish Die at Aquarium in Texas

According to officials, about 100 fish were reported dead at an aquarium in Texas after tanks were treated with a compound designed to kill a parasite infestation.

It has been reported that the aquarium houses stingrays, barracuda and sharks. The treatment was administered by staff at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi. Because of this treatment several fish, were reported ill as well.

Staff worked hard through the night so that they could save as many of the fish as were possible. The aquarium said that water samples have been sent to the laboratories so that they can be tested and also to find out what exactly killed the fish. As per the website, tanks of the aquarium house cownose stingrays, green moray eels, and nurse sharks.

Association of Zoos and Aquariums spokesman, Rob Vernon said that this kind of incidents take place very rarely. Richard E. Glover Jr, spokesperson said that the incident appeared to be a sad accident. He also said that before putting the chemical to the tank, it was tested to smaller tanks and no reaction was found.

The chemical that was used has not been specified. The spokesman also said that other aquariums also used this chemical to treat the same issues. Glover said that this was surprise and something that could never be expected.

The biggest indoor tank at the aquarium is empty now. The staff was extremely sad when they came to know that the fish had lost their lives en masse. The aquarium may stay open but until the water is believed safe, fish will not be restocked.

"Like everyone else, we're going to be looking for explanations as to what exactly caused this so we can guarantee it doesn't happen ever again", said Mr Glover.